When does an interest become an obsession? Is there some invisible line that you cross and all of sudden you find your friends trying to change the subject all the time?
As I walked my dogs today in a very brisk wind, I spied the ferruginous hawks playing in the updrafts. Has anyone ever studied that behavior? Is it really play, or just an opportunity to have the wind do part of the work? As I watched, the female stooped and fell to earth, but from my vantage point I could not see what her prey was.
Returning home I found myself exploring the licensing requirements for a falconry license. I started this project long ago, but became discouraged when I saw that it was recommended that you capture your first bird, hopefully a young American Kestrel. The thought of kidnapping a bird put me off my feed (as we say here in the West), and although I had already arranged a sponsor (you have to apprentice for two years) I let the matter drop.
The recent story about Travis the chimp made me realize that there are probably falcons and hawks for sale online. I soon learned that some people are looking for homes for birds that can't hunt for one reason or another, or that are not appropriate for public hunt sites. If these birds are not placed, I presume they meet the fate of all unwanted animals. The rescuer in me was put on high alert.
I am starting the process anew, although I guess there is no guarantee I will actually follow through this time either. I just would love to have input from all my thoughtful and interested friends. So, I've put together a little survey, and I hope you'll take a second to vote.
If I do go through with it, I'll keep you posted.