Monday, February 9, 2009

Seriously Sad

In watching the interview of the mother of octuplets, I found myself seriously sad. While Ann Curry and associates described the woman as appearing rational and committed to her children, I saw a delusional personality rationalizing her very poor choices. Her pressured speech, and constant interruption of Ms. Curry, combined with her mantra like reptition of certain phrases regarding her own mental health, were early clues as to her mental status, but the description of the father of these children was the corker. He "needs time", and it's "not the right time" all in a tone remniscent of Glen Close in Fatal Attraction, or Kathy Bates in a Steven King movie. I kept rooting for Ann to press her harder, so that the facade would begin to crack.

The video of her visiting the babies in the hospital is heartbreaking. Eight tiny babies, each requiring enormous neonatal care, deprived of normal development, and living in glass cages. Yet Ms. Suleman acted as if all was normal. When one of the therapists involved referred to the birth as a "great feat", all I could think was, "It's nothing the average lab bitch can't do several times in a life time."

I believe this is a seriously disturbed woman, and that time will show that to be true. Then all 14 children will be separated and placed in foster care or with relatives.

A seriously sad end to a story that should never ave occurred in the first place.

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